Monday, July 20, 2009

Denny Hecker and Goldman Sachs

I'm grieving for Denny Hecker. No fooling, I really am. In a world of weasels, he wasn't.

If you've been reading the Strib, you know a lot about Denny. They've made him out to be a knave or a fool, depending on how much schadenfreude you're inclined to enjoy with your morning pop-tart. But that's not the most important story the Strib could be telling, and you reading, about good and evil in the business world.

Try the recent Rolling Stone article on Goldman Sachs and the financial gangster takeover of world capitalism. Go ahead, click the link. It's a long article, but you'll be rewarded with an analysis of the plundering of the world economy that might even make you angry.

So are news organizations like the Strib that aren't telling the Goldman Sachs story, that are instead diverting people with fluff about a local car dealer, guilty of collusion in the looting of the republic? Yeah, probably.

As for Denny, I'm not his friend, and barely his acquaintance, but I knew him one step closer than his omnipresent face on the sides and backs of buses. He's a fellow parent at Breck and has a son in the same grade as my oldest. He gave money to the school. He helped raise more by offering great lease deals on Escalades at the annual auction. And every year he threw the best Halloween party on the planet, filling his enormous house with every child and every parent in the same grades as his kids, with fabulous decorations everywhere, and lots of delicious food. It was joyfully excessive, the children loved it, and even parents like me who hate parties had a great time.

I doubt there'll be a Halloween party at the Hecker house this year. But I bet there'll be some great ones out in the Hamptons when those record Goldman Sachs bonuses get paid. As for you, sucker, you won't be invited.

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